Personalized Diets
In our clinic, we prepare diets for each type of patient with nutrients and optimal amounts for each one. As a grounding, the Mediterranean diet is taken as a starting point, aiming to eliminate fast food and that which has excess sugars, so that the patient can lead a salubrious lifestyle with a healthy and balanced diet.
Nutritional treatment with psychological support
In our clinic, our main goal is that of nutritional education.
We wish to teach our patients to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, which adapts to the particularities of each one. Tailor-made diets are offered without losing sight of the need for balance. That is, those diets in which we consume nutrients in the optimal amounts and proportions for proper health maintenance.
We stick to the Mediterranean diet while shying away from fast foods and excess sugars.
The diets are prepared according to the needs of each patient.
Three main aims have been established:
- Reaching a reasonable weight
- Improving symptoms associated with a digestive pathology through a healthy diet
- Learning eating habits to keep weight down.
All accompanied by support from our team of psychologists.

Obesity Unit: Psychology
In our team, the approach to obesity is undertaken without neglecting any factor that encourages or maintains it. Thus, we have created a multidisciplinary team capable of responding to obese patients, whatever their needs may be.
Psychological intervention has become a fundamental pillar when it comes to starting any weight loss programme. The latest research in relation to obesity has allowed us to know in greater depth what the psychological factors involved therein are. Thus, we evaluate and treat unhealthy eating habits, whilst intervening in the anxiety tables that lead to gorging. The feeling of psychic discomfort, whether due to stress or anxiety situations, causes the obese patient to respond by eating, outside of mealtimes, and in disproportionate amounts. These types of patients benefit from a more complex approach, completing low-calorie diets and / or surgical interventions. The purpose of our psychological intervention is to address all those factors that have caused weight loss diets to fail.
Accompaniment to the patient, from the beginning, is provided throughout the therapeutic journey. This has been devised so that it gives the person valid tools for managing their excess weight in the most successful way possible. Our unit has the most advanced strategies in the treatment of obesity, which will be selected under medical, nutritional and psychological criteria according to the specific needs of the patient.
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