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Our team of physiotherapists is perfectly qualified to offer the patient a service of the highest standard with guaranteed results. The joint work of our physiotherapists and traumatologists allows us to offer a service based on the prevention of injuries and their treatment.

Nowadays, the multidisciplinary work of physiotherapists with traumatologists has become an almost mandatory relationship meaning that the service offered to clients is, above all, high quality. The joint work of these two professionals in the field allows us to offer a service based on the prevention of injuries, in addition to the tasks of each professional, thus carrying out a holistic appraisal of the same.

Today, the concept of physiotherapy is much broader, enjoying a boom period of constant growth.


¿What can be provided?

Our aim, from our excellence outwards, is to provide your company with professionals that allow you to take your work one step further, improving the quality of the service offered and ensuring the well-being of your customers.

Innovation and advanced technology at the service of your health

Working Ethos

Once the diagnosis of the doctor is received with the complementary tests, the physiotherapist makes an assessment of the patient’s pathology, which is reflected in the patient’s computerised history. Once at this point, the physiotherapist will assess the procedures required for the treatment, alternating during all sessions different techniques. Each session will last for 20 minutes, on correlative days to ensure proper pathological follow-up. In these sessions the techniques outlined in the following section will be combined.


Techniques and Specialist Treatments

  • Kinesiotherapy
  • Conventional massage therapy
  • Dry puncture
  • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
  • Bobath method
  • Structural, cranial and visceral osteopathy
  • Proprioceptive Rehabilitation
  • High-speed techniques
  • Acupuncture
  • Global posture reeducation

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